  • List of Universities receiving the Grant
  • Activities by Year
  • Publications
  • List of Universities receiving the Grant

About Us

Principles of Action

1. All people and nations are welcome to participate.
This Foundation wants to expand its basic vision throughout the world through various activities. In so doing, the Foundation
will not be restricted by the preoccupied idea of the national border. It is true that race and nationality are important factors for the establishment of a person’s identity, but these factors are the ones that must be transcended when he wants to be an international citizen in its true sense. Our Foundation and its activities are open to all people, irrespective of their nationality and ethnic origin.

2. Complete freedom of thought, belief and religion
This Foundation will not restrict its members′ any and every right regarding their freedom of thought, belief and religion, nor will it engage in any activity make an exception for some specific thought, belief or region. We believe that a person’s freedom of thought and political or religious belief should be most highly respected.

3. No involvement in politics
This Foundation will not be involved in politics of any country, nor will it engage in any political activities. It will not, however, place any limit on its members’ political action to be taken as a person.

Members of this Foundation are requested to comply with these three principles of action. These are rules to be observed when every activity of this Foundation is carried out, and should be shared by all members as a common standard.

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